Zaishen Service [The Best Deal]
Guys Help me with my zaishen rank.
I Make this service Only for my zaishen rank and i don't want scam noone.
Now i will write some options, you can choose wich you like.
1) If you give me 1 Z-Key You will Get 2 Drop From Z-Chest
Example: 10 Keys=20 Drops
2)If you Give me 20 Z-Keys or more For Every 2 Z-Keys You Will Get 5 Drps From Z-Chest. Example: 20 Keys=50 Zaishen Drops
3) For Every 3k You Give To me You Will get 1 Drop Form Z-Chest
Example: 30k=10 Drops
4) For Every 5 Z-Keys You Will Give to me You Will Get 2 Ectos +5 drops
Example: 50Z-Keys=20 Ectos + 50 Drops
Guys Help Me Pls
My IGN Is: The Most Better